Equality + Diversity Policy Statement

As of June 2023

It is Sum.Place’s policy to treat all people (job applicants, employees, cohort members, clients, communities, and suppliers) fairly and equally, regardless of sex, pregnancy, trans-gender status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, marital status, civil partnership status, age, race,  colour, nationality, national or ethnic origins or disability. We will monitor the composition of our team and beneficiaries to ensure that this policy is effective.

Through this policy and procedure, and the training and development of managers and team, we will promote good practice in this area in order to eliminate discrimination and harassment as far as is reasonably possible.


These are our values and behaviours that everyone aligned to our practice (such as clients, cohort and team members) commit to:

  • We are an equal-opportunity organisation. Every employee has a  personal responsibility for the implementation of the policy.  Any instance of doubt about the application of the policy, or other questions, should be addressed to Nic Quinn, as should any requests for special training.

  • We will not discriminate on grounds of sex, trans-gender status, pregnancy or maternity, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs, marital status, civil partnership status, race,  ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origins, disability or age, or any other grounds (whether prohibited by legislation or otherwise).

  • The non-discrimination principle inherent in this policy includes the prohibition of discrimination against an individual because they associate with someone of a particular race, religion, sexual orientation, age, etc, for example, an employee who is married to someone of a minority ethnic origin or who socialises with members of the LGBTQ+ community.

  • The prohibition on discrimination applies equally to situations where someone thinks or perceives (whether rightly or wrongly) that a colleague is of a particular race, sexual orientation, religion, age, sex or that they have a disability, is a trans-gender person, or is pregnant.

  • The policy applies to the process of recruitment and selection  (including of beneficiaries), promotion, training, conditions of work, pay and benefits and to every other aspect of employment, including general treatment at work and the processes involved in the termination of employment.

  • The policy applies to job applicants (both internal and external), all employees and other workers whether full-time, part-time, temporary, seasonal or contract, and beneficiaries.

  • Team members should note that the imposition of any provision,  criterion or practice which has a disproportionate adverse impact on someone for a reason related to sex, trans-gender status, race, married status, civil partnership status,  religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability or age will be unlawful unless it can be objectively justified. In the event of any query or doubt, Nic Quinn should be consulted.

  • When establishing criteria for recruitment and promotion into vacant posts, the organisation will consider carefully whether any minimum or maximum number of years of relevant experience is necessary for effective performance of the job. Such  restrictions will not be imposed unless there is a proper job-based reason why they are necessary.

  • The organisation does not operate at any compulsory retirement age, and each employee may choose for him/herself when to stop working, subject to them continuing to be sufficiently fit to perform their job to a satisfactory standard.

  • Employees who are disabled or become disabled in the course of their employment should inform the organisation about their disability. Management will then arrange to discuss with the employee what reasonable adjustments to their job or working conditions or environment might assist them in the performance of their duties. The employee will also be encouraged to suggest any adjustments that they believe would be helpful.  Careful consideration will be given to any proposals and, where reasonable and reasonably practicable, such adjustments will be made. There may, however, be circumstances where it will not be reasonable or reasonably practicable for the organisation to accommodate proposals put forward by the employee.

  • Any member of staff may use the Grievance Policy to complain about discriminatory conduct. If the matter relates to sexual or racial harassment or harassment on the basis of disability,  sexual orientation, trans-gender status, religion or belief or age, then the complaint may be raised directly with Nic Quinn. The organisation is concerned to ensure that staff feel comfortable about raising such complaints. No individual will be penalised for raising such a  complaint unless the substance of the complaint is untrue or the complaint is made in bad faith, for example out of malice.

  • Where an employee is falsely accused of discriminatory conduct, then they may implement the organisation's grievance procedure.

  • Any employee who makes a false accusation of harassment will be subjected to disciplinary action. In serious cases, such behaviour may be deemed to constitute gross misconduct and may  result in summary dismissal.

  • All employees, job applicants and beneficiaries will be asked,  on a purely voluntary basis, to complete a form denoting their sex, race, ethnic origin, age and any disabilities that they have. The organisation guarantees that the information provided on this form will be used solely for the purpose of monitoring the effectiveness of its equal opportunities policy.

  • This policy will be monitored on a regular basis by the Directors.  Where there are issues with the way the policy is working,  these will be looked at closely with a view to identifying measures to improve the effectiveness of the policy.
Responsibilities of Management

Responsibility for ensuring the effective implementation and operation of the arrangements will rest with the Directors. Directors / Managers will ensure that they and their staff operate within this policy and arrangements and that all reasonable and practical steps are taken to avoid discrimination. Each manager will ensure that:

  • all their staff are aware of the policy and the arrangements,  and the reasons for the policy;

  • grievances concerning discrimination are dealt with properly,  fairly and as quickly as possible;

  • proper records are maintained.

Responsibilities of Staff

Responsibility for ensuring that there is no unlawful discrimination rests with all staff and the attitudes of staff are crucial to the  successful operation of fair employment practices. In particular, all  members of staff should:

  • comply with the policy and arrangements;

  • not discriminate in their day-to-day activities or induce others  to do so;

  • not victimise, harass or intimidate other staff or groups who have, or are perceived to have one of the protected characteristics.

  • ensure no individual is discriminated against or harassed because of their association with another individual who has a  protected characteristic.
  • inform their manager if they become aware of any discriminatory  practice.


The effectiveness of this policy and associated arrangements will be reviewed annually under the direct supervision of Nic Quinn.

Signed: NQ.

Date: 1st June 2023

Policy review date: 1st December 2023